
In 2023, thermal coal demand remained strong and the Adaro Group's coal mining operations continued to achieve a new historical record. As a result, SIS as the main mining contractor in the Adaro Group also recorded higher production, in particular in term of overburden removal. ... For overburden removal at Adaro Indonesia, SIS has been ...

Adaro Indonesia

PT Adaro Andalan Indonesia Tbk (Perseroan) Grup Perseroan (Perseroan dan perusahaan anaknya), yang didirikan pada tahun 2004, dan merupakan perusahaan induk yang memiliki aset-aset batu bara termal, logistik, pertanahan, investasi, dan ketenagalistrikan. Wilayah operasional Grup Perseroan meliputi Kalimantan Selatan, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan Tengah. …

PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk

Adaro Energy Indonesia is a fully integrated coal mining and energy company from exploration through to power. It is Indonesia's second-largest thermal coal producer, operates the largest...

Adaro at a Glance

Adaro Energy's vision is to be a leading Indonesian mining and energy group. Our strategy is to focus on organic growth of coal production, to improve efficiency and cost control, to develop our mining services and logistics business, and to develop and …


PT Adaro Indonesia is one of the coal mining companies in Indonesia located in Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan. In this study, an initial environmental overview was conducted, especially avifauna diversity in the PT Adaro Indonesia project site area, Tabalong Regency. This initial hue is given as a consideration in the development of the ...

Good Mining Practice Book Adaro Indonesia

Monthly Issues Of Good Mining Practice (GMP) 2010 To be A Leading Indonesian Mining & Energy Group BAB I KONTROL ELEVASI (APLIKASI GRADE BOX) 1.1 Pendahuluan 1.1.1 Tujuan Manual book ini berfungsi sebagai panduan bagi PT Adaro Indonesia dan kontraktor dalam membentuk kesejajaran bidang pada front loading atau front dumping untuk …

Adaro Minerals Indonesia

Member of Adaro Group. Office Address: CYBER 2 TOWER Lt.34 Jl. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 3 Kel Kuningan Timur, Kec Setiabudi Kota Adm Jakarta Selatan, Prov DKI Jakarta. Contact Us +6221 2553 3060 +6221 2553 3059 . [email protected].

Indonesia Miner : Adaro Minerals (ADMR) Records Coal …

Adaro Group's metallurgical coal and metals mining entity, PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk. (ADMR), reported operational performance growth in the first half of 2024. Danuta Komar, Investor Relations at Adaro Minerals Indonesia, stated that ADMR's coal production volume in the first half of 2024 reached 2.98 million tons, a 17% increase ...

Adaro Minerals Indonesia

PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk (IDX: ADMR) is a subsidiary of PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk that focuses on metallurgical coal mining and mineral processing businesses. Through its subsidiaries, PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk holds five Coal Contract of Work (CCoW) concession areas in East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, also has started ...

Adaro Career

MOHON BERHATI-HATI TERHADAP PENIPUAN BERDALIH REKRUTMEN PT ADARO ENERGY INDONESIA TBK & ANAK PERUSAHAAN. Yth. Calon Pelamar Kerja Adaro Group, dengan ini kami menginformasikan bahwa saat ini terdapat modus penipuan berdalih rekrutmen yang mengatas namakan PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk dan anak perusahaan, yang …

Adaro Energy Pillar

Adaro Mining is Adaro Energy pillar's business segment that operates in coal mining businesses. AEI's main subsidiaries in this segment are PT Adaro Indonesia (AI), which is the largest subsidiary representing 74% of the Adaro Group's total coal production in 2023, Balangan Coal Companies (Balangan), PT Mustika Indah Permai (MIP), and ...

Adaro Minerals Indonesia

PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk (IDX: ADMR) is a subsidiary of PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk that focuses on metallurgical coal mining and mineral processing businesses.

NGO questions Adaro's plan to spin off its coal business

Energy Shift Institute, an independent think tank on energy transition in Asia, has questioned the urgency of a plan by PT Adaro Energy Indonesia to sell its thermal coal mining unit for US$2.5 billion, whether it is a big leap towards a greener business model or just a strategic play to improve the company's image.

Adaro Minerals Indonesia

Risk management. PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk's ("the Company") business consists of various risky aspects. The risks must be managed a well-structured and consistent manner by involving and getting the support from all levels of the company to ensure effective risk management, for protecting the Company's sustainability and creating value for shareholders' …

Adaro Minerals Indonesia

PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk ("AMI") was established to be the center of Adaro's non-coal mineral assets within the aspiration to build a bigger and greener Adaro.


Adaro Energy Indonesia 1H24 Financial Statements and Notes Selasa, 27 Agustus 2024 / 21:31 WIB. Adaro Group Presentation 1Q24 Selasa, 07 Mei 2024 / 14:09 WIB. VIDEO. …

Gaji Karyawan PT Adaro Energy Tbk 2024 Semua Posisi …

Gaji Karyawan PT Adaro Energy – Perusahaan tambang memang selalu banyak diminati para pencari kerja, baik itu tambang nikel, batu bara, hingga tambang emas.. Adaro merupakan salah satu perusahaan tambang batu bara terbesar di Indonesia yang berhasil memproduksi batu bara sebanyak 54 juta ton sepanjang tahun 2020.

Pilar Adaro Energy

Adaro Mining adalah segmen bisnis pilar Adaro Energy yang beroperasi di bisnis pertambangan batu bara. Anak perusahaan utama AEI di segmen ini adalah PT Adaro Indonesia (AI), yang …

Legal bas

Legal Basis of Appointment at PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk. Deed No. 62 of April 18, 2008, and re-appointed based on Deed No. 44 of 22 May 2023. Career History : Work Experience; Founder, PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha (1997) Concurrent Position; President Director, PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk. President Commissioner, PT Adaro Minerals ...

PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk

Adaro Mining Technologies (AMT) Coal research & development. . COAL TRADING. Coaltrade Services: International Pte. Ltd (CTI) Coal Trader. 9. 0%: Maritim Barito Perkasa ... Adaro Indonesia (AI) Coal mining, S. Kalimantan. 88.5%. Balangan Coal: Coal Mining, S. Kalimantan. 75%. Mustika Indah Permai (MIP) Coal Mining, S. Sumatra. 75%.


THE ADARO GROUP'S SALES BY DESTINATION IN 1H24 . ADARO ENERGY PILLAR. 1. MINING PT Adaro Indonesia (AI) • AI's production volume in 124 reached H 25.69 Mt, 3% higher than in 1H23. Sales volume in the period reached 29.49 Mt, 2% increase y-o-y. AI's total overburden removal in the period reached 106.62 Mbcm, 5% increase from 1H23 ...

Adaro Indonesia

Sekilas PT Adaro Andalan Indonesia Tbk (Perseroan) Grup Perseroan (Perseroan dan perusahaan anaknya), yang didirikan pada tahun 2004, dan merupakan perusahaan induk …

PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk

Through AAI, the Company owns shares in several thermal coal mining companies, i.e. PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Paramitha Cipta Sarana, PT Semesta Centramas, PT Laskar Semesta Alam, and PT Mustika Indah Permai, which produce …

Management Structure of the Adaro Group

Adaro Mining PT Adaro Indonesia Balangan Coal PT Bhakti Energi Persada Adaro Metcoal PT Mustika Indah Permai EIC : ChiaHoo EIC : Sonny Sidjaja EIC : Peter S. Mucalo EIC : Chin Sik Cheon ... PT Adaro Mining Technologies EIC : Budi Rachman PT Bukit Enim Energi EIC : …


Adaro Mining Adaro Services Adaro Logistics Adaro Power Adaro ... In 2023, AL started to operate the fuel tank at Adaro Minerals Indonesia (AMI)'s hauling road and made a significant expansion in its business by starting the first barge-to-barge terminal operations in North Kelanis for AMI's coal in July 2023. Barge-to-barge transfer is a ...

Indonesia's Adaro Plans USD 2.5 Billion Coal Sale in Green Turn

PT Adaro Energy Indonesia plans to spin off a coal mining unit valued at USD 2.45 billion as part of its shift away from the fossil fuel. The company, which is one of country's …


Adaro Energy Indonesia 1H24 Financial Statements and Notes Selasa, 27 Agustus 2024 / 21:31 WIB. Adaro Group Presentation 1Q24 Selasa, 07 Mei 2024 / 14:09 WIB. VIDEO. TESTIMONY, ... Capital Market: Mahardika Putranto …

PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk

Adaro Indonesia (AI) Coal mining, S. Kalimantan 88.5% Balangan Coal Coal Mining, S. Kalimantan 75% Mustika Indah Permai (MIP) Coal Mining, S. Sumatra 75% Bukit Enim Energi (BEE) Coal Mining, S. Sumatra 61% Bhakti Energi Persada (BEP) Coal mining, E. Kalimantan 10.2% METALLURGICAL COAL PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk (AMI) Coal mining, C ...

Good Mining Practice Book Adaro Indonesia

Citation preview. Monthly Issues Of Good Mining Practice (GMP) 2010 To be A Leading Indonesian Mining & Energy Group BAB I KONTROL ELEVASI (APLIKASI GRADE BOX) 1.1 Pendahuluan 1.1.1 Tujuan Manual book ini berfungsi sebagai panduan bagi PT Adaro Indonesia dan kontraktor dalam membentuk kesejajaran bidang pada front loading atau front dumping …


PT Adaro Energy Tbk Menara Karya 23rd floor, JL. H. R. Rasuna Said Block X-5, Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950 Telp (021) 2553 3000