Energy resources in Pakistan | PPT

Energy resources in Pakistan - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... Pakistan has several energy resources including natural gas, oil, coal, hydropower, nuclear power, and LPG. Natural gas reserves are estimated at 25 trillion cubic feet and it is used for power generation, fertilizer production, and heating homes and buildings. ...

(PDF) A Review: Protected Areas of Pakistan Management

It provides us with possibilities for utilizing resources now and in thefuture. Pakistan has protected areas, including 14 national parks, 99 wildlife sanctuaries, 96 game reserves, 16 ...

Natural resources of pakistan | PPT

Natural resources of pakistan - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Submit Search. ... Some of Pakistan's most important natural resources include fertile soil; mountain ranges rich in minerals; an extensive river system headed by the Indus River and its tributaries, which are crucial for irrigation, drinking water, and hydroelectric ...

Importance Of Natural Resources In Pakistan Essay

The proper use of natural resources along with the human resources is an important key to the economic and the social development and strength of any nation. There are two types of resources.1)Natural Resources 2)Human Resources Many of the developing countries like America use their natural resources to the ultimate

The role of natural resources in economic growth: new …

capital, natural and environmental resources should also be observed because these are also the most important economic assets. There are three debates covered from different dimensions which have arisen recently related to the role of natural resources in economic growth or economic development.

Water Resources and Conservation Strategy of Pakistan

Natural resources include rainfall, rivers, glaciers, ponds, lakes, streams, karez and wells etc. whereas artificial resources consist of the surface water from rainfall and rivers, which is in …

Pakistan Rich in Natural Resources But Poor in their …

The most important of the natural resources in this globalized world is human resource. Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world having large share of 'young population' i.e. 63 percent below age of 25 years, according to United Nations Development


Fresh water is a source of life on earth, which is essential for the wellbeing of people. For Pakistan, where the majority of the population is dependent on agriculture being the means of its living directly or indirectly and agriculture as a major source of economy, making water all the more important.

Agricultural and Natural Resources of Pakistan

Farming contributes nearly 21-22% in gross domestic product (GDP) of Pakistan. Farming intensely depends on supportable accessibility and supply of water and helpful natural …

(PDF) Mineral Resources of Balochistan Province, Pakistan …

PDF | On Jan 1, 2017, M. Sadiq Malkani and others published Mineral Resources of Balochistan Province, Pakistan | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Lecture 7 Natural and Power Resources of Pakistan Part 1 | PDF …

Pakistan has many natural resources that are important for its economy and development. Its key natural resources include agricultural land, water resources like rivers and lakes, forests, minerals like iron ore and copper, and natural gas deposits. However, many of its natural resources like forests and water are under increasing pressure from population growth and …

The Pakistan National Conservation Strategy: A Plan of …

The Pakistan National Conservation Strategy (NCS), approved the government on March 1, ... economic pressure on finite natural resources, water and land, because of overuse as well as ... The most of important of these is the Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1983, but there are many laws predating the EPO. Because

Geostrategic Importance of Balochistan: Baloch …

hand, the importance of these natural resources and security and stability of the region for extracting and distributing these resources have created more incentive for the Baloch insurgents to fight, and for the same reasons, the central government of Pakistan has increased more reasons for crushing of these insurgents, at any cost.

Geopolitical importance of pakistan | PPT

Geopolitical importance of pakistan - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... Pakistan has natural resources and is an important transit country between Central Asia, the Middle East and South Asia. Its location gives it strategic importance and influences its relationships with neighboring countries like China and Afghanistan.

What Are The Major Natural Resources Of Pakistan?

Pakistan has numerous natural resources that are found across the country ranging from arable land to minerals. Arable Land . One of the main natural resources in Pakistan include arable land and the size of the arable land in the country has been fluctuating for several years, and in 2015 it was approximately 39.5% of the total land area.

Natural Resources and Culture of Pakistan

Pakistan has only 4% of land covered with forests which is no way good news. Forests are significant because of the following reasons: It can reverse the effects of global warming by …


The U.S,NATO,Israel and India want to neutralize such a strategic and factional threat from emerging in Pakistan. e) Natural Resources: It is believed that they most vital factor which can be helpful for any country is the natural resources. And Pakistan is a world' s populous country due to its natural resources. Pakistan has the world' s ...

Agricultural and Natural Resources of Pakistan

2.2 Agricultural Natural Resources of Pakistan Pakistan is one of the rich nations regarding characteristic assets. Being agrarian nation Pakistan require increasingly common assets for horticultural creation. Pakistan has an agrarian economy. Agribusiness Provides job to …

Pakistan Land and people | PDF

5. Desertification. Agriculture in Pakistan: About 60% of Pakistan's total land area is under cultivation and is watered by one of the largest irrigation systems in the world. The most important crops are cotton, wheat, rice, sugarcane, corn, …

Natural Resources of Pakistan.pdf

View Essay - Natural Resources of Pakistan.pdf from BCSE HUM 103 at Foundation University, Rawalpindi Campus. FOUNDATION UNIVERSITY RAWALPINDI CAMPUS TOPIC SUBMITTED TO SUBMITTED BY ROLL NO NATURAL

Pakistan Rich in Natural Resources But Poor Management

People do not make natural resources, but gather them from the earth. Some Examples of natural resources are air, water, copper, wood, oil, wind energy, hydro-electric energy, iron, and coal. Refined oil is not a natural resource because people make it. Pakistan Natural Resources. Natural Resources play an Important role in the development of ...

Poverty and Natural Resource Management in Pakistan

Over the years since independence the natural resources of the country (land and water) have been harnessed which in turn made it possible to feed the growing population which more than …

(PDF) Marine Resources of Pakistan | Asif Inam

Coastal zones are capable of producing rich fisheries, mineral, oil and gas resources. The importance of developing marine resources in the coastal zone of Pakistan has not been fully perceived. The coastal zones of Pakistan are bestowed with large natural resources and demands serious efforts to explore.

Natural Resources in Pakistan | PPT

Pakistan is located in South Asia, founded in 1947 with Urdu as its official language. It has a population over 180 million and is home to many historic sites, minerals, rivers and dams. Some notable aspects include the Khewra Salt Mine, one of the largest in the world; Tarbela Dam, the largest earth-filled dam; and the Indus River, Pakistan's ...

The Importance of Renewable Energy Sources in Pakistan

The government, without realizing the importance of energy requirement to cater the massive industrialization, encouraged the establishment of various industries. This resulted in a huge pressure on the limited resources of the country. Oil, natural gas and hydropower are three primary energy sources which are presently fulfilling the energy ...

Key to the geography of Pakistan notes pdf » Pakistanstudy

This File contains readings regarding the geography of Pakistan. it also will help to understand the basic concept 4655 Download Tags: Beauty of Pakistan Geography Geography of Pakistan Location of Pakistan Natural Resources Nature Northern Areas Resources of Pakistan


Pakistan is suffering from drought conditions since year 2000 till June 2010, due to which reduction in river discharges and lesser rains occurred. The reliance on ground water …

Mineral Resources of Pakistan | PDF

It notes that mineral resources are non-renewable. It also outlines the major metallic and non-metallic minerals found in Pakistan, including limestone, rock salt, gypsum, marble, chromite, copper, iron ore, and bauxite. The document discusses the importance of mining industry and challenges it faces, as well as locations of key minerals in ...

The Economic Value of Natural Resources and Its …

This research aims to evaluate the impact of natural resource factors on Pakistan's economic growth, considering that the findings for natural resources and their involvement in economic development vary from nation to country.

How natural resources can make Pakistan a prosperous …

What are the important natural resources of Pakistan? Pakistan is a land of mush splendour with enormous natural potential. It has a vast range of natural resources. From the world's second-largest salt mine to large reserves of coal, gypsum, limestone, and silica, the mineral resources have been a valuable means of the country's economic ...