ENGLISH 1: PLURAL NOUNS ( 4 ) Flashcards

Is the word as used in the sentence singular or plural? civics A study of civics is helpful in preparing a student for life as an adult. singular plural. singular. Is the word as used in the sentence singular or plural? riches All the riches in the …

'Equipment' or 'Equipments'? Which One Is …

To refer to a single machine or tool, use a piece of equipment or an item of equipment. Do not say an equipment : A camera tripod is a useful piece of equipment for taking steady photos.

Paraphernalia Definition & Meaning

articles of equipment designed for a particular use or activity : apparatus… See the full definition. Games & Quizzes; Games & Quizzes ... Although paraphernalia was plural in Medieval Latin, it can take either a singular or plural verb in English. Synonyms. accoutrements accouterments; apparatus; equipment; gear; hardware; kit [chiefly ...

Team Is or Team Are

The subject-verb agreement can be one of the most complicated aspects of the English language. If you're confused about whether to treat the word "team" as a singular or a plural noun, this article will clear things up for you. Team Is or Team Are? The grammatically correct phrase is "team is", not "team are". This … Team Is or Team Are – Is "Team" Singular or Plural ...

Mixing plural and singular list items with a single verb

If one of the antecedents is singular and the other is plural, put the plural one last to avoid awkwardness.--Hacker, Rules for Writers. Share. Improve this answer. Follow answered Mar 2, 2012 at 2:36. Jim Jim. 33.5k 10 10 gold badges 76 …

Some Is vs. Some Are – Learn If "Some" Is Singular …

The word "some" can be both singular and plural, depending on the noun it refers to.If "some" refers to a singular noun, use "is."For example, in "Some of the juice is gone," "juice" is singular, so we use "is." However, when …

What is the plural of PPE

He traces some of that ambition back to university and the philosophy part of his PPE course.: Thresholds for air-quality readings were established to determine the level of PPE required.: And in my view, and in the view of the PPE, this is a different kettle of fish.: I would also like to confirm that our group would be reluctant to support the amendment proposed by the PPE Group for …

What is the plural of gear

In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be gear. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be gears e.g. in reference to various types of gears or a collection of gears.

Advice or advices – singular or plural?

Tip: Are you a non-native English speaker?I have just finished creating a Web App for people who enjoy learning by reading.Make sure to check it out; there's a lot of free content. Slightly surprisingly, "advice" is an uncountable (mass) noun in English (like "water" or "sand"), and as such it has no plural form:

many Kinds of equipment, many equipments, correct use, singular …

many Kinds of equipment, many equipments, correct use, singular or plural. Rule: कुछ noun singular होते हैं और इनका प्रयोग हमेशा singular की तरह किया जाता है| Advice, information, scenery, machinery (कल पुर्जे), stationery (लेखन ...

What is the plural form of the word "equipment"? Is the word "equipment

The correct usage is simply "equipment" for both singular and plural contexts. Explanation: The word "equipment" is considered uncountable in English, which means it does not have a plural form. When you want to talk about multiple items of equipment, you still use the word "equipment". The correct answer from the given options is 2) equipment.


But according to Longman Dictionary, 'athletics is followed by a singular verb'. There is also an example of this usage: Athletics is a largely individual sport..... However, according to Learners Dictionary, the situation is as follows 'athletics is plural form but is used with both plural and singular'. And an example of the plural verb ...

The class is/are all working on a project together [duplicate]

In BrE we routinely treat collective nouns like class, family company, workforce as singular or plural according to the context and intended nuance. So to me, the presence of the word all inherently forces the plural interpretation requiring are.Because AmE takes a stricter line (such words are almost always treated as syntactically singular), I suppose at least some …

Equipment or Equipments – What is The Plural of "Equipment"?

The plural form of "Equipment" is "Equipment" itself. "Equipments" is grammatically incorrect English and should be avoided, as the word "Equipment" is already talking about a group of things, and you can't pluralize something that is already conceptually plural. …

grammatical number

Mass nouns take singular verbs - not plural. As do measures of the referents: Units of measure are treated as collective nouns, taking a singular verb. For each patient, 10 mL of whole blood was collected in a clot tube. [Penn State: Effective Technical Writing] Take your first example: I took 2 ml of water, which was/were then added...

What is the plural of vocabulary

The noun vocabulary can be countable or uncountable.. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be vocabulary.. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be vocabularies e.g. in reference to various types of …

Is "software" singular or plural? Can "softwares" be used …

Software is called a "non-countable" ("non-count") noun, similar to, say, furniture.As such, it is treated as a singular: Your furniture is in transit. The software is available on our website. If your sentence requires you to indicate, without a doubt, you are talking plural, use the non-count noun as an adjective and attach it to a countable noun:

What's the Plural of "Apparatus"?

The term originally comes from Latin, which uses "apparatus" for both singular and plural; however, as English has adapted, the form "apparatuses" has become the standard plural version. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word "apparatus" refers to a set of equipment, items, or tools used for a particular task.

What is the plural of equipment

The noun equipment can be countable or uncountable.. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be equipment.. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be equipments (nonstandard) e.g. in reference to various types of equipments or a collection of equipments.

The Most Confusing Singular and Plural Words

The same rule applies to "stuff" and "equipment." Do away with the "s" because the words refer to a lot of things, but are always in singular form. ... These irregular nouns, together with moose, deer, and folk are considered the same in both singular and plural forms, even without an "s" or "es." They have not been altered from their origin. ...

Equipment vs. Apparatus — What's the Difference?

Equipment refers to the necessary items for a particular purpose, while an apparatus is a specific tool or set of tools used for a specific task. ... equipment and apparatus are nouns, equipment is uncountable and doesn't have a plural form, but apparatus can be both singular and plural, with "apparatuses" being an accepted plural form. 6 ...

The word Government is to be used as singular or plural

The usage of the word government depends upon the context. If it is used to denote a collective group, then the singular form may be used and the plural form may be used while referring to the members of the government. for example: The government has announced a new policy for the poor and underprivileged. The government have not yet …

grammatical number

Equipment used as a singular is a collective noun. We do not inflect collective nouns into the plural for them to take on their collective sense. Nonetheless, equipments also …

Nouns: countable and uncountable

Nouns: countable and uncountable - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

Singular or Plural: Is It Headphones or Headphone?

Is it headphones or headphone singular plural? Contrary to what we've learned in most of our English language classes, the term headphones are actually not the plural form of the term headphone. The term headphones refer to the device placed near our ears when listening to music. Headphones are made with two earcups and two speakers that ...

Why can't I use "equipments"?

The noun equipment does not have a plural form. It is used in the singular only, with a singular verb, and there is no word "equipments." Nouns like this are called "noncount nouns" (or …

Gear vs Gears | WordReference Forums

I am having to assume that you mean "equipment" when you say "gear". When used to mean equipment, "gear" is always singular because it is referring to collective equipment ie: the player's shoes, shinpads, helmet, etc. "Gears" is only plural when referring to actual gears such as on an automobile or bicycle, etc. T. tralala666 New Member ...

What is the plural of piece?

Equipment is always followed by a singular verb: All our equipment has been carefully tested. Is all the equipment singular or plural? Equipment is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say: The laboratory has all the latest equipment. Don't say: The laboratory has all the latest equipments.

Is the word good as the singular of goods correct?

So, it would appear that there is a singular and that it is identical to the plural form. Speaking of "goods" meaning "commercial product", if "good" were the singular of "goods" one should say "a good train" instead of "a goods train", but that would make it confusing (as meaning "the train is good"!).

grammatical number

Note that using the singular form infrastructure in the way you do here is not using the 'singular noun', but rather the non-count usage (which is identical in form to the singular count usage). This is deducible from the fact that no article is used. The choice between using the singular arguably count ('the existing infrastructure') or unarguably non-count …