General Worker,mine Jobs in Rustenburg, North West 0344

Tailings Dam Operation background / experience in the mining or related industry for at least 2 years will be advantageous. SKILLS, QUALITIES AND ABILITIES REQUIRED. Good communication (verbal and written). Good planning and organizing. Teamwork and observant. Innovation and Actioned-orientated. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS

Marikana Platinum Mine, Rustenburg

Lonmin is one of the world's biggest primary producers of platinum group metals (PGM) and has been engaged in mining operations at Marikana since 1980s through two of its subsidiaries, Western Platinum and Eastern …

Mahomed Seedat

Chief Operating Officer at Lonmin Plc · Experience: Lonmin Plc · Location: City of Johannesburg · 1 connection on LinkedIn. View Mahomed Seedat's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

Marikana Massacre 16 August 2012

The miners set up camp on a hill called Wonderkop near the Lonmin mine. Police and miners occasionally entered into discussions however the miners remained steadfast in their strike action, and on 16 August a full frontal attack was launched on them. ... It also found that Lonmin had failed to engage with workers and the trade unions operating ...


In 2019, Lonmin was acquired by Sibanye-Stillwater. The Company was a producer of platinum group metals operating mainly in the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. It had two multi-shaft mining operations, located respectively in: [26] Marikana Region; Limpopo Region

Lonmin says delays in Sibanye-Stillwater deal to hurt sales

However, Lonmin reported an operating profit of $70 million for the first half compared with an operating loss of $32 million a year earlier, thanks to a pick-up in prices and a weaker rand-to ...

The influence of Geological Structures

The influence of Geological Structures – an often-overlooked important aspect affecting the stability of operating mines Gregory C. More O'Ferrall1 and Michael du Plessis2 1 Chief Rock Engineer, First Quantum Minerals …

Lonmin says strike halts SAfrica platinum mine | Reuters

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Marikana Platinum Mine, Rustenburg

The consolidation of Rustenburg Platinum Mines, Aquarius South Africa and Lonmin's Marikina operations will turn Sibanye-Stillwater into a fully-integrated PGM producer in South Africa. Marikana platinum mine geology. Lonmin's Marikana mining rights are situated in the southern part of the western limb of the Bushveld Complex in South Africa.


The Boards of Sibanye-Stillwater and Lonmin are pleased to announce that they have reached agreement on the terms of a recommended all-share offer pursuant to which Sibanye-Stillwater and/or a wholly-owned …

Lonmin: Five years after Marikana | Business

The company reported an operating loss of $181m for its interim financial results for 2017. Lonmin has undertaken cost cutting efforts to reduce it overheads. Among these include moving its head office from Melrose Arch in Johannesburg to Marikana, in the North West province where its core mining operations take place.

Safety challenge in use of double drum scraper winches

Many conventional mines therefore use double drum scraper winches to move the broken rock, particularly from the reef horizon to a point where it can be moved by gravity, and then trammed by means of rail-bound equipment or conveyor belts to the stations, where it is hoisted or conveyed out of the mine. Double drum winches in operation

Marikana | South Africa

Marikana currently has five operating shafts: K3, K4, Rowland, Saffy, and E3. The Merensky and the UG2 reefs are mined simultaneously at an average depth of 500m and are …

Sibanye Stillwater's K4 project: A modern, sustainable PGM mine

K4 forms part of Sibanye-Stillwater's Marikana mine complex, which has six operating shafts (including K4) which target both the Merensky and UG2 reefs. Commissioned in 2006 and on care and maintenance since 2012, K4 was acquired as part of the Sibanye-Stillwater's acquisition of troubled platinum miner Lonmin in 2019.

Ntwaleng Saul Chiloane

The company's assets in Namibia include the Uis Tin Mine with significant by-product potential for lithium and tantalum. The other mine is the Lithium Ridge (Nai-Nais), which is a lithium, tin and tantalum operation. The other two assets are Spodumene Hill, a lithium, tin and tantalum mine and Brandberg West, a tin, tungsten and copper mine.

Lonmin Restructures Management Team; Hires New COO

Platinum miner Lonmin Plc (LSE:LMI) has reorganized its executive management team with hopes of reviving its operational capacity after enduring the six-month platinum strike in South Africa.. As part of the executive reshuffle, the company has appointed Johan Viljoen as its new chief operating officer, replacing Mark Munroe.

OneMine | Cracking A Hard Nut: An Overview Of Lonmin?s …

Lonmin, earlier than any other primary platinum producer, had to deal with the concentrating and smelting of UG2-rich ores and concentrates respectively. Smelting was performed at a fairly modest scale compared to the company's industry peers in the platinum group metals (PGMs) industry, and was focused on smelting concentrates obtained …


We are Lonmin, a primary producer of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs). We create value by the discovery, acquisition, development and marketing of minerals and metals. Our operations …

The Lonmin Platinum Mining Company Case study.pdf

DPR1504 S1_2022 1 The Lonmin Platinum Mine Company. Lonmin is a mining company that produces platinum in Marikana, in the province of North West. In 2013, the company announced that it had increased production and its profits. The mining sector is important to the South African economy and Lonmin is one of the mining companies that help to boost the economy …

Newmont Announces Appointment of Mining Veteran …

DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Newmont Corporation (NYSE: NEM, TSX: NGT) today announced that Natascha Viljoen will join the Company's Executive Leadership Team as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer …

Ben Magara, former mine manager turned Lonmin …

The 48-year-old became head of Anglo's South African coal operations, having been recognised as an inspiring mine manager, and later moved to Anglo's large platinum operations.

The development and implementation of the Lonmin …

The development and implementation of the Lonmin mechanized breast mining The following section describes the steps taken during the development of the technology and the interaction between potential end users (the mines), the manufacturers ... The result was that the prototype machine was operating in a test stope by the end of September 2001.

Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 …

Lonmin has an enviable mine-to-market business. Our core operations, consisting of eleven shafts and inclines, concentrators, a smelter complex and refineries are situated in the …

Cracking a hard nut: An overview of Lonmin's operations …

Lonmin is the world's third-largest primary platinum producer, and is one of a few fully integrated mine-to-market PGM producers in South Africa. The bulk of its operations are concentrated within the companies of Western Platinum Ltd and Eastern Platinum Ltd, both located close to …

Major Mines & Projects | Marikana Mine

Marikana has six operating shafts: 4 Belt (4B), K3, K4, Rowland, Saffy, and E3. The vertical shaft complexes account for the largest portion of the Mineral Reserves. The K4 project build-up phase continues with a focus on infrastructure completion and primary development.

Lonmin Platinum Mines

Location plays a key role within the Lonmin Mining operations which are located within the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) in South Africa – an area which currently contributes nearly 80% of global Platinum production.


OPERATION PLATINUM LONMIN MINE : MARIKANA TO 2012-0816 05:30 TO 18:00. Page 2 of 16 Annexure A JOC Structure Role Player Name Call Sign Radio Channel Contact No ... TO PATROL: Around Lonmin Mines for Crime Prevention withmembers of POP, TRT, NIU, Air Wing

Operating Mines

OPERATING MINES. This directory is an update of previous editions, and lists operating mines and quarries, agents and mineral processing plants in the Republic of South Africa. The mines are grouped according to main commodity produced. Names of mines, their owners, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, commodities mined, operational ...

Cracking a hard nut: An overview of Lonmin's

Lonmin has tended to operate smaller concentrators in close proximity to the mine shafts, to maintain a more stable input into the concentrators and allow optimization for high recoveries …

Operation of a concentrated mode dual-alkali scrubber …

Lonmin is an integrated mine-to-market primary producer of platinum group metals, and its smelting operations are based close to ... scrubber operating at the Lonmin smelter. Off-gases from all the furnaces are combined in a mixing chamber before passing through a two-field electrostatic precipitator (ESP ). Typical removal efficiency of ...