CoMCert | Chamber of Mines Certificates

Minerals Council Chamber of Mines Certificates were introduced to standardise standalone inhouse certifications for people working in the South African mining and minerals …

Share certificates related to mining in the UK, South Africa …

All of the words:. Typing black and white will find content containing both words.. The exact phrase:. Typing black and white will find only that exact phase.. Any of the words:. Typing black and white will find content containing either word.. Boolean operators:. Use AND / OR / NOT with single words or text strings in quotes.

Apply for a mining right | South African Government

This is granted by way of a mining right. A mining right may not exceed a period of 30 years. A mining right is granted if: the mineral can be mined optimally; you have the funds and expertise to conduct the proposed mining operation optimally; the financing plan is compatible with the intended mining operation and for the duration thereof

Mining certificate Ads | Gumtree Classifieds South Africa

Find mining certificate ads in South Africa! Search Gumtree Free Classified Ads for the latest mining certificate listings and more. ... mines, and etc. In other words, we sell both brand new and refurbished transformers. Our refurbished transformers have new coils, oil, tapswitch, and painted. A test certificate is issued as required by ZESA ...

Comptent B Training Course in South Africa

A comptent competent B certificate holder earns an average salary of R17263 per month or R104 per hour depending on the exprience of the operator and employer. ... Compentent B people can get jobs in these departments like mining. Competent B certificate requirements. ... Different provinces of South Africa(sa) Mthatha/Umtata, Butterworth, East ...

Understanding Mining Rights in South Africa: Requirements, …

In this article, we will explore the key aspects of mining rights in South Africa and provide insights into how businesses and individuals can navigate the process while ensuring …

Mining Certificates In South Africa

Mining Certificates In South Africa

South Africa to lay out carbon market regulation proposals

South Africa's National Treasury plans to lay out its proposals for how to regulate carbon markets in the country in the next few months. The government department said it plans to publish a ...

mining certificates in south africa

Mining certificates to sell in south africa – Grinding ... Rating certificate Lafarge Mining South Africa (Pty) lTD. Should you wish to apply for an account, please send the completed application to the following email » Learn More. mining certificates in south africa. blasting colleges in south africa BINQ Mining ; The primary method of production and rock breaking …

How To Apply For A Mining Permit

It is essential to know the relevant mining law and collaborate with a top mining law firm to navigate the legal prerequisites and obtain the correct mining title. Below we unpack …

Crypto Mining South Africa Explained: Guide 2024

Africa has a booming Bitcoin mining industry.The African continent has some of the biggest mining pools, and an increasing number of African businesses are entering the sector.While the majority of African nations have not yet accepted Bitcoin and other digital currencies as a means of payment, there is a growing movement towards acceptance.

How to apply for Mining Rights in South Africa

The difference between a mining permit and mining rights. Mining Permit: A mining permit allows a company or individual to mine a small area of land, not exceeding 1.5 ha, for up to two years. Mining Right: A mining right grants a company or individual the right to mine for a specified period of up to 30 years. Requirements for mining rights

MQA Mining skills program (underground mining)

SHE Representatives and Shop Stewards in the Mining and Minerals Sector. SAQA Unit Standard : MQA/SP/0120/10. Competent A. Competent A: To Examine and Declare a Working Place Safe in Underground Coal Mine. SAQA Unit Standard: MQA/SP/0007/05. Competent B.

Conveyor Equipment | Moret Mining | South Africa

Moret Mining is an original equipment manufacture of conveyor idler rollers & auxiliary equipment. Specializing in bulk material handling ie. ... BEE Certificate. SABS Idler. SANS 1313 - 1. ISO 9001. SANS 1313 - 3. ... South Africa Tel: (+27) 011 474 1260 Email: sales@moretmining. Home. Products. Services. Downloads. Conveyor Idlers.

Sale of Mining Rights Agreement

Sale of Mining Rights Agreement - Masupatsela Angola Mining Ventures (Proprietary) Ltd. and Randgold & Exploration Co. Ltd. and Other Business Contracts, Forms and Agreeements. ... a private company registered in accordance with the company laws of the Republic of South Africa; 1.4 "Randgold" means Randgold & Exploration Company Limited ...

Certificate in Mining Engineering in South Africa

Institutions Offering Certificate in Mining Engineering. Kland International College, Johannesburg N4-N6 Duration: 3 – 6 Months per Certificate Minimum entry requirement:-Grade 9 or a senior certificate (Grade 12) or

The Mining Certificates of the British South Africa Company

The Mining Certificates of the British South Africa Company Introduction to Second Edition Sixty-three additional certificates have been added to this edition, the majority of these are Certificates of Registration (mainly pre 1900). Of special interest is a Certificate of Amalgamation (none were recorded in Memoir 9), this is a provisional certificate using a …

South Africa: R60-Billion Held for Mines that Are Never Closed

South Africa: R60-Billion Held for Mines that Are Never Closed. A data-driven investigation shows that nearly R60-billion is being held in funds for the rehabilitation of mines across South Africa. ... It did hand out a closure certificate to a mining right this year, but that appears to have gone to a property company. In coal – and other ...

What to Expect During a Property Transfer: Timelines and Costs in South

Buying or selling property in South Africa involves a process known as property transfer, where ownership of the property is legally transferred from the seller to the buyer. Understanding what to expect during this process, including the timelines and costs involved, is crucial for ensuring a smooth and stress-free transaction.

Metals & Minerals certification

The Responsible Jewellery Council sets social and environmental standards for the entire jewelry value chain, from mining to retail. Companies can be certified by Bureau Veritas to two standards: Code of Practices (for responsible business practices) and Chain of Custody (for responsible sourcing and supply chain due diligence).

12 document checklist to apply for a diamond licence in South Africa

Checklist Diamond Dealer Licence - Apply for a Licence in SA. Chat with us on 079 969 9580. We can assist with the application process.

CoMCert | Chamber of Mines Certificates

Minerals Council Chamber of Mines Certificates were introduced to standardise standalone inhouse certifications for people working in the South African mining and minerals industries. All exams written by the Survey, Sampling, Ventilation, and Rock Mechanics disciplines are organized and administered by the Minerals Council.


Mine Health and Safety Council 145 Western Service Road Western Woods Office Park B7, Maple Place Woodmead Gauteng South Africa T: 011 070 4200 / 011 656 1797


Minerals Council Certificates were introduced to standardise standalone in-house certifications for people working in the South African mining and minerals industries. Visit the Minerals Council Certificates portal.

Apply for a mining permit

If you want to conduct mining operations you need to obtain a mining permit from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE). No person is allowed to mine without a mining permit. Mining permits are not …

MQA – Mining Qualifications Authority

The Corporate Services Department plays a key role within the MQA by providing strategic leadership and oversight on roles that include corporate governance, legal services and governance, marketing and communication, human resources, and facilities and office management services.

Petroleum wholesale licence | South African Government

If you want to sell petroleum products to consumers for end use, you must apply for a wholesale licence from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. The licence allows you to buy petroleum products in bulk (1 500 litres or more, per transaction of petroleum products) from a licensed manufacturer, and to sell it to end users.


"The Minerals Council South Africa is a mining industry employers' organisation that supports and promotes the South African mining industry." IN THIS SECTION ... Minerals Council Certificates were introduced to standardise standalone in-house certifications for people working in the South African mining and minerals industries. Visit the ...

Navigating Africa's Mining License Application Steps

Obtaining and Maintaining the Mining License. Obtaining and Maintaining the Mining Licence. Following the meticulous review and approval process, obtaining and maintaining a mining licence in Africa necessitates strict adherence to all stipulated conditions and regulations to ensure continued compliance and operational sustainability.

How to Get a Gold License in South Africa?

In South Africa, if you want to conduct precious metal operations you need to obtain a mining permit from The South African Diamond & Precious Metals Regulator …