Tool 14 – Community Development Agreements

3) To implement an agreement (p158), think about: agreement obligations should be fully documented and accessible; responsibility is allocated and people know what is expected of them, early on; one person has overall responsibility for the ongoing management of the agreement; an up-to-date register records actions to ensure obligations are ...


Luxcor has an agreement with Steve and Cherie Murphy, owners of the Rio del Monte Mine, to use a portion of their property for milling and tailings disposal. 2.0 Claims, Location, Access, Area Description. 2.1 Claims. The proposed mine lies within a group of 10 contiguous lode mining claims belonging to Claimants.

Model Contract Agreement

Model Contract Agreement for Coal Mining . i CONTENTS ... 38.3 Cooperation and assistance on transfer of Project ..... 109 38.4 Vesting Certificate..... 109 38.5 Divestment costs etc ...

Business Cooperation Sample Clauses

Business Cooperation. Party A and Party B unanimously agree that the proposed cooperation shall be the internet-based sale and promotion of tour products conducted by Party A and its subsidiaries or other value-added business carried out by Party A. Party B shall provide the business consultancy and technical services as well as the technical consultancy as set forth …

Selected Commercial Mining Agreements

This chapter presented some mining agreements that are largely used in the sector, with an emphasis on the specific features of each agreement that are inherent to the …

Contract Mining Agreement Sample Contracts

Contract Mining Agreement • November 9th, 2001 • Anker Coal Group Inc • Bituminous coal & lignite surface mining • West ia

46+ SAMPLE Team Contract Templates in PDF | MS Word

A leadership contract is an agreement made for team leaders in a particular organization. When an individual signs a leadership agreement, he must commit to lead his/her team to the best of his/her capabilities. It is a personal commitment an individual makes to be the kind of leader the contract details.

Ministry of Coal, Government of India

The Ministry of Coal, Government of India oversees coal mining and development in India.

Mining Cooperation Agreement Sample Contracts

addendum to coal mining cooperation agreement – inclusion of additional work block


SAMPLE OF TABLE 1 ARTICLES NAME OF COMPANY ("The Company") The Company has as its articles the following articles. FULL NAME AND SIGNATURE OF EACH INCORPORATOR DATE SIGNED YYYY / MM / DD Incorporation Number: Table 1 [am. B.C. Reg.s 315/2004, ss. 5 to 9; 186/2007.] Articles Part 1 — Interpretation Definitions


The Parties recognise that development cooperation is a crucial element of their Partnership and an essential factor in the realisation of the objectives of this Agreement as laid down in Article 1. This cooperation can take financial and non-financial forms. Industrial cooperation The aim of cooperation shall be to:


Mining and Industrial cooperation may include work in, but not be limited to, the following areas: (a) bio-mining (mining using biotechnology procedures); (b) mining techniques, specially underground mining, and conventional metallurgy; (c) productivity in mining; (d) industrial robotics for mining and other sector applications; (e) informatics ...

Mining Lease Agreement, dated as of December 15, 2017, …

MINING LEASE AGREEMENT . This Mining Lease Agreement ("Lease") is made and entered into effective as of December 15, 2017 (the "Effective Date") by and between the Sealy & Smith Foundation, a Texas corporation (hereinafter called "Lessor"), and Atlas Sand Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (hereinafter called ...

50+ SAMPLE Contract Agreements in PDF | MS Word

The contract should outline the new hire's roles and duties, compensation, benefits, length of tenure, termination policies, etc. Sales Contract: There are many types of sales-related contracts. This type of contract generally involves a purchase, transfer, or sale of either a property, product or service.


3.6. Baja Mining Corporation herewith undertakes and binds itself as surety and co-principal debtor in solidum toward Bateman for the fulfilment by Minera Y Metalurgica Del Boleo, S.A. de C.V. of all its liabilities, present as well as future in terms of this Agreement as well as any amendment or variation thereof.

Mining Joint Venture Agreement Template

Seal the deal for your mining ventures fast and hassle-free! Instantly download Template's Mining Joint Venture Agreement printable sample template. It's professionally pre-formatted and industry-grade to best suit your mining business agreements and discretionary partnership terms.

Mining Contracts

Mining Contracts and Other Business Contracts, Forms and Agreeements. Competitive Intelligence for Investors.

Mining Contracts

Includes companies engaged in metal mining, bituminous coal and lignite mining, and gold and silver mining. Mining Contracts and Other Business Contracts, Forms and Agreeements. …

Cooperation Agreement | Free Template

Create a cooperation agreement when you can finalize a transaction or draw up a formal contract. You may want to use this document alongside a non-disclosure agreement, …

Examples of duty of cooperation clauses in contracts

3.03 Duty of Cooperation and Disclosure. In any Proceeding in which the Company is advancing Expenses or providing an indemnification to the Indemnitee, the Indemnitee shall fully cooperate with the person, persons, insurers or entities acting on the Company's or Indemnitee's behalf, including providing to such person, persons or entity upon reasonable advance request any …


5 | Signature of the MDO and HINDUSTAN COPPER LIMITED with Date & seal 17.5. Safety management plan:..... 99 17.6.


MODEL MINING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 6 MINE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The Effective Date of this Agreement is _____, 20__ ("Effective Date"). The Parties to this Agreement are: First, _____ (the "Company") which is a duly authorized and constituted corporation existing under the laws of _____ and qualified to do business in

Memorandum of Agreement CROWN GOLD …

in the specimen agreement annexed hereto and marked "E" or with such amendments as the parties thereto may reasonably determine; 1.1.15 "EFFECTIVE DATE" shall mean the date of signature of the AGREEMENT by the PARTY last signing same; 1.1.16 "ELSBURG JV" shall mean Elsburg Gold Mining Joint Venture, the participants whereunder

About Us

US Mine Corp is a comprehensive mining and exploration company that manages its own projects and provides contract services to the North American and global mining industries. Having operated both open pit and underground mining operations, US Mine Corp has the diverse and extensive range of experiences to operate projects efficiently and ...

Tool 14 – Community Development Agreements

Community development agreements, derived from good faith agreements, have the potential to support a positive socio-economic development outcome and have been used for years in the … | HOME

CONTRACT MINING AGREEMENT . This CONTRACT MINING AGREEMENT ("Contract") entered into on the 14 th date of November 2018 ("Effective Date"): BETWEEN: …

Contract Mining Agreement | Fortitude Gold Corp

CONTRACT MINING AGREEMENT . This CONTRACT MINING AGREEMENT ("Contract") entered into on the 14 th date of November 2018 ("Effective Date"): BETWEEN: Client, a company established in conformance with United States laws, authorized to conduct business in the U.S. and having an office at: Walker Lane Minerals Corp. 415 Hwy 95A Suite …

Joint Venture Agreement

OSISKO MINING CORPORATION. Executed on December [8], 2009. With effect as of ... Option Agreement between Clifton, Beattie Gold Mines Ltd. and the Shareholders of Beattie Gold Mines Ltd. dated May 1, 2008 and amended on July 22, 2008, November 24, 2008, April 8, 2009 [and November 30, 2009]; ... for example for Clifton to liquidate the relevant ...

Standard Drilling Services Agreement SAMPLE

services agreement sample canadian diamond drilling association the parties and applicable law. the canadian diamond drilling note: this form contract is a suggested guide only and use of this form any variation thereof shall be the sole discretion and risk of the user parties. user of the form contract or any portion

Sand Mining and Refining Agreement

This Sand Mining and Refining Agreement (the "Agreement") is made effective the 23 rd day of January, 2012 by and between Green Field Energy Services, Inc. ("GFES") a Delaware corporation whose address for the purposes hereof is 4023 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy, Suite 200, Lafayette, Louisiana 70503, and Alliance Consulting Group, L.L.C. a ...