PT Petrosea Tbk. (Head Office)

Coal Export Jetty with PT PT Petrosea Tbk. (Head Office) Indy Bintaro Office Park, Building B Jl. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya Blok B7/A6 Sektor VII, CBD Bintaro Jaya Tangerang Selatan 15224 - Indonesia T +62 21 29770999 F +62 21 29770988 W . …

Proyek Saat ini

Pada tanggal 20 September 2022, Petrosea dan PT Freeport Manyar Refinery menandatangani perjanjian proyek earthworks, concrete & buried utilities untuk smelter Manyar yang dimiliki PT …


PT Petrosea Tbk. Wisma Anugraha Jl. Taman Kemang No. 32B Kemang - Jakarta 12730 Indonesia T +62 21 718 3255 F +62 21 718 3266 E info@petrosea W Printed on 50% recycled paper PERTUMBUHAN BERKELANJUTAN SUSTAINABLE GROWTH


PT Datindo Entrycom Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 28 2nd Floor Jakarta 10220. P: +62 21 3508077 F: +62 21 3508078. Public Accounting Firm ... As a form of good corporate governance, Petrosea implements a whistleblowing system as a mechanism to report indications of fraud, bribery, violations of the law or Petrosea's code of conduct, or other forms of ...

11 Golden Rules PT Berau Coal Kerja Hebat, Kerja Selamat

2 SAFETY FIRST KILASBerau 11 Golden Rules PT Berau Coal Kerja Hebat, Kerja Selamat Bekerja di operasional pertambangan memiliki tingkat resiko yang tinggi, resiko kecelakaan tersebut berpotensi menyebabkan kerugian biaya, peralatan, bahkan kehilangan nyawa. Namun segala bentuk resiko bisa diantispasi dengan selalu menimalisir potensi bahaya (hazard) …

Head Office

atau Fakta Material PT Petrosea Tbk ("Perseroan"), sebagaimana disyaratkan dalam: (i) Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan ("OJK") No. ... kepada PT Maruwai Coal. Perseroan sangat tidak setuju dengan pencairan yang dilakukan oleh PT Maruwai Coal tersebut, dan akan menempuh langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk menolak pencairan ...


PT Petrosea Tbk. PT IndikaEnergy Tbk. refloated 28.75% shares to the public and at the year's end holds 69.80% share ownership in the Company Officially inaugurated as a Bonded Logistics Center (PLB) located in Tanjung Batu, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Acquired by Clough Limited, Australia Acquired by PT IndikaEnergy Tbk., owning 98.55% of the

petrosea investasi rp6 triliun untuk mendukung ekspansi bisnis

Petrosea Pertambangan Batubara, #batubara, Mining, Petrosea, PTRO. To contact the news desk or submit your press release, please email to: [email protected] Phone : +62-21-2245-8787 Advertising inquires contact [email protected]

Petrosea Signs Mine Services Agreement with PT Kartika …

an estimated production target of 78.28 million BCM of overburden volume and 3.95 million tons of coal for a ... PT Petrosea Tbk. is a multi-disciplinary mining, infrastructure and oil & gas services Company with a track record of achievement in Indonesia since 1972. We offer a competitive advantage through our ability to provide complete pit-

PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO)

include with PT Santana Rekso Nidhana (gold production: USD 130.89 million), PT Indo Bara Pratama (coal production : IDR 2.89 trillion), PT Freeport Indonesia (extended the duration of the embankment project : USD 137.84 million) and PT Masmindo Dwi Area (Awak Mas Project : IDR 2.90 trillion). During this period, PTRO also obtained approval for ...

News Release 28 December 2023

Sorong and PT Kuala Pelabuhan Indonesia, as our subsidiary that supports port operations for PT Freeport Indonesia. • Revenue from coal sales recorded at PT Kemilau Mulia Sakti (parent company of PT Cristian Eka Pratama) amounted to US$1.67 million (+ yoy) as a result of 37,214.64 metric tons coal sales since September 2023.


PT Petrosea Tbk. Acquired by PT Indika Energy Tbk., owning 98.55% of the Company's shares by year end. To be a leading service provider in ... PT Kaltim Prima Coal PT Bukit Baiduri Enterprise PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal Gold Projects PT Newmont Minahasa Raya PT Barisan Tropical Mining (Current: Sumatra Copper & Gold)

Current Projects

All of our accomplishments throughout Petrosea's journey are a tangible manifestation of our various innovations to continuously improve and grow sustainably. On 20 May 2024, Petrosea …

PT Petrosea Tbk Company Description

PT Petrosea Tbk provides engineering, construction, mining, and other services to the oil and gas, infrastructure, industrial and manufacturing, and utility sectors in Indonesia …


PT Petrosea Tbk Officially inaugurated Petrosea Offshore Acquired by PT Indika Energy Tbk Supply Base (POSB) Sorong to provide ... Coal Project Gold Project Bauxite Project Nickel Project 8 Freeport Indonesia 2026 9 Flour-Petrosea JO 2024 10 Masmindo Dwi Area 2025 11 Manyar Maju Refinery 2023 8 7 11. 11

PT Petrosea Tbk. / Annual Report 2016

The year 2016 still posed a challenge for the coal mining industry due to continued economic slowdown. Petrosea's performance was aected. Amid the challenging situation, the Company remained steadfast and was able to take the opportunity to ... PT Petrosea Tbk. / Annual Report 2016 9 Di tahun 2016, Petrosea berhasil mencapai rekor

Analisa Fundamental Saham PTRO | Petrosea Tbk

PT Kemilau Mulia Sakti (PTKMS) Coal Mining: Kalimantan : 99.93 % PT Kemilau Mulia Sakti (PTKMS) Coal Mining: South Tangerang : 99.93 % PT Kemilau Mulia Sakti (PTKMS) Coal Mining: ... PT Petrosea Tbk menyediakan jasa rekayasa, …

Drill and Blast Engineer Job Details | ptpetrosea

Awak Mas Drill and Blast Engineer. Develop drill and blast designs, implement design in conjunction with blasting sub-contractor and monitor drill and blast results, recommending changes where appropriate to ensure high quality, safe and cost effective drill and blasting activities, within a culture of continuous improvement.

Petrosea to Invest IDR 6 Trillion for Mining Expansion

PT Petrosea Tbk, recently announced that the company would make a IDR 6 trillion or around USD 400 million investment as part of its business expansion strategies. The money …

PRESS RELEASE Petrosea Signs Term Sheet for …

1 August 2024 – PT Petrosea Tbk (IDX:PTRO) hereby announces that on 30 July 2024 the Company has signed a contractor and vendor management term sheet with PT Bumi Barito Mineral (BBM) which is a holder of a metallurgical coal Production Operation Mining Business

Integrasi Petrindo dan Petrosea, Segini Kebutuhan Capex

Seiring dengan aksi tersebut, Direktur baru PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk, Kartika Hendrawan mengatakan belanja modal ke depannya akan lebih banyak mengucur untuk Petrosea. Adapun posisi Petrindo dalam integrasi ini adalah sebagai pemilik aset tambang (IUP and CCOW) yang tersebar di berbagai anak perusahaan mencakup thermal coal, metallurgical ...

pt petrosea coal

pt petrosea coal; Perusahaan Pertambangan di Indonesia. 5. Kalteng Coal, PT (General Survey (2nd Period)) Associated GroupBHP-Billiton Plc. AddressMid Plaza I, 11th FloorJl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 10 – 11 Jakarta 10220 Phones(62-21) 570-6281 Fax(62-21) 570-4692, (62-21) 570 4706. 6. Kaltim Prima Coal, PT (Production) Associated GroupRio Tinto ...

Indonesia Miner : Singaraja Putra Tbk (SINI) Partners with Petrosea …

PBP has partnered with PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO) as the mining service contractor to develop the coal mine. The cooperation between PBP and PTRO was agreed upon through the signing of the Mining Services Agreement Term Sheet between the two parties on March 27, 2024. The scope of work includes overburden excavation and coal stripping.

How digital transformed a mining company in …

Hanifa Indradjaya of Indonesia-based PT Petrosea Tbk., a mining company based in Indonesia, discusses how digital has driven sustainability, efficiency, and operational excellence.

Sinergi dengan CUAN, Petrosea (PTRO) Beberkan Rencana …

PT Petrosea Tbk ingin mengoptimalkan sinergi dengan Grup Barito, ... Garap Segmen Coking Coal . Iman menjelaskan, pendirian PT PIN ditujukan untuk memberikan solusi terintegrasi, terutama pada proyek-proyek yang sedang dalam pembangunan di area-area yang tengah dijajaki untuk ekspansi. Khususnya di daerah Kalteng dan ke area Indonesia Timur ...

Petrosea Completes Acquisition of Coal Mine Owned by …

Coal Mine Owned by Kemilau Mulia Sakti PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO) together with its wholly-owned subsidiary, PT Karya Bhumi Lestari (KBL) has successfully completed the transaction to acquire shares of PT Kemilau Mulia Sakti (KMS). KMS is the owner of 99% shares of PT Cristian Eka Pratama (CEP), a company engaged in coal mining operations and

PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO) Cost Challenges Suppress …

particularly coal, are still quite good in Indonesia. Coal demand remains high, both domestically and internationally. This could be a positive catalyst for PTRO's performance. In addition, following the acquisition of PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN), PTRO is expected to benefit from operational synergies


pt petrosea tbk dan entitas anak pt petrosea tbk and its subsidiaries laporan perubahan ekuitas konsolidasian interim interim consolidated statements of changes in equity untuk periode enam bulan yang berakhir for the six-month periods ended 30 juni 2024 dan 2023 (tidak diaudit) june 30, 2024 and 2023 (unaudited)

PT Cristian Eka Pratama | LinkedIn

PT. Cristian Eka Pratama is a Coal Mining company that located in Desa Tukul, Kecamatan Tering West Kutai. Langsung ke konten utama LinkedIn. Artikel ... dihadiri oleh Bapak KTT PT. Cristian Eka Pratama Joko Suratmo & Project Manager PT. Petrosea Tbk Site CEP & KS arief maulana mawardi #Action. 268 5 Komentar Suka Komentar ...


pt petrosea tbk dan entitas anak pt petrosea tbk and its subsidiaries laporan laba rugi dan consolidated statements of profit or loss penghasilan komprehensif lain konsolidasian and other comprehensive income untuk tahun-tahun yang berakhir for the years ended 31 desember 2023 dan 2022 december 31, 2023 and 2022