Titanium, Chemical Element

Titanium is also obtained from iron ore slags. Slag is an earthy material that floats to the top when iron is removed from iron ore. Titanium products at a mill. ... Regeneration Plant ( ARP). What element effect to erode Titanium material so fast. We do not understand. That plant is running from last 7 years with same method and material ...

Effect of Sulfuric acid concentration on titanium dissolution.

The effects of the presence of amalgam on titanium (Ti) dissolution in the oral environment under acidic, neutral, and basic conditions was studied.

Effect of Na2S Addition on Vacuum Carbon-Thermal …

Although the environmentally friendly electric furnace smelting process can obtain both titanium slag and pig iron products simultaneously, the gradual reduction of ore grade in …

Effects of Dolomite on Mineral Compositions and …

Chengde chromium-bearing vanadium–titanium magnetite (CCVTM) has been used as an important mineral resource in sinter making. The MgO content of this sinter can be enhanced by adding dolomite, which improved operation of the blast furnace. The effects of MgO in the form of dolomite on metallurgical properties, microstructure and mineral compositions of …

A Novel Process for Direct Reduction of Titanium …

Ilmenite is an important mineral resource containing Fe and Ti, and titanium concentrate can be obtained after beneficiation. Through the preparation of titanium concentrate oxidized pellets, gas-based shaft furnace reduction experiments, and melting and separation experiments, the phase changes during the roasting process of titanium concentrate oxidized …

Optimized magnetic separation for efficient recovery of V …

We present an optimized magnetic separation process to improve the recovery of high-content vanadium and titanium concentrates from vanadium‑titanium magnetite (VTM) …

Sintering Characteristics of Titanium Containing Iron …

The effect of Ti-oxide on the sintering behaviour of iron ore has been studied by doping pure TiO 2 to a sinter blend in laboratory tests. The results showed a considerable effect of TiO 2 on …

Individual enrichment of titanium and iron from low …

TiO 2 grade of titanium concentrate and the iron recovery of reduced iron products gradually decreased with an increase in calcium fluoride dosage, which shows that with the addition of calcium fluoride, the formation of low titanium content ilmenite and magnesium …

Effects of basicity and temperature on mineralogy and …

The effects of basicity and temperature on the reduction process of Hongge high-chromium vanadium-titanium magnetite (HCVTM) sinter were investigated in this work. ... BRISTOW N J, LOO C E. Sintering properties of iron ore mixes containing titanium [J]. ISIJ international, 1992, 32(7): 819–828. Article Google Scholar

Sintering Properties of Iron Ore Mixes Containing Titanium

The Effect of Titanium on Ore Sintering A anism whereby this is achieved is thought to involve the formation of complex titano carbonitrides, of very high melting points, which precipitate out in the cooler areas of the hearth, i.e. areas with greatest heat loss, 5) as additional refractory.3 ~ in the area shows that survey of the literature ...

Vanadium–titanium magnetite ore blend optimization for …

Vanadium and titanium magnetite (V–Ti) ore has a very high comprehensive utilization value due to its high-content vanadium, titanium, iron, etc. In addition, V–Ti ore as a major source of vanadium is found in various countries, such as Australia, China, Russia, and South Africa (Moskalyk and Alfantazi, 2003, Deng et al., 2012, Yu, 2004).

Reduction Behavior and Mechanism of Iron Ore in Molten Iron …

XRD and SEM methods were applied to the reduction behavior and mechanism of iron ore in molten iron at temperatures of 1400 °C, 1450 °C, and 1500 °C. The results showed that iron ore could be reduced by carbon in molten iron. When the reduction of iron oxide occurred at the reaction interface, carbon in the molten iron was affected by the concentration gradient. This …

Effect of Na2S Addition on Vacuum Carbon-Thermal …

Although the environmentally friendly electric furnace smelting process can obtain both titanium slag and pig iron products simultaneously, the gradual reduction of ore grade in the electric furnace smelting process has led to a series of problems, such as low production efficiency and high energy consumption [17,18,19,20,21]. Therefore, there ...

Effect of TiO2‐content on Reduction of Iron Ore Agglomerates

The effect of titanium oxide on iron ore agglomerates is studied by the use of test sinter, test pellets and synthetic briquettes under laboratory conditions. Titanium favours secondary hematite rather than magnetite, which is the main phase in the sinter of Rautaruukki's Raahe plant. Additionally, the effects of sinter RDI and pellet LTD on ...

Effect of titanium on the sticking of pellets based on …

Results showed that the sticking index (SI) decreased linearly with the increasing TiO 2 addition. This phenomenon can be attributed to the increase in unreduced FeTiO 3 …

Titanium Reserves By Country And 10 Biggest Mines In The …

Titanium is the fourth most abundant structural metal that makes up 0.6% of the earth's crust. When it comes to volume, titanium comes after iron, magnesium, and aluminum but remains exotic due to ...

Characterisation of iron ore sinter products with varying …

Iron ore sinter is one of most extensively utilised ferrous burdens for blast furnace (BF) worldwide. The sinter quality greatly depends on the microstructure and chemical compositions of calcium ferrites which is significantly affected by sinter basicity (mass ratio of CaO to SiO 2).The characterisation of iron ore sinter products with varying binary basicity …


A. IRON ORE 9 B. SEMI-FINISHED STEEL 11 V. FINDINGS OF THE INVESTIGATION 12 A. IRON ORE AND SEMI-FINISHED STEEL ARE IMPORTANT TO U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY 12 1. National Defense Requirements 13 2. Iron Ore and Semi-Finished Steel Requirements of Critical Industries 14 3. Effect of the Events of September 11, 2001 17 4. Summary 17 i

A novel method for the comprehensive utilization of iron and titanium

The titanium in the ore mainly exists in the forms of ilmenite and titanomagnetite. (2) Through the conventional method of separating iron first and then titanium, both iron and titanium concentrate could not be obtained, which would cause the great loss of natural resources and the production cost was also relatively high. (3)

Process for producing a titanium sulfate solution and a …

the relatively dry digestion cake is then solubilized in an aqueous media of water or dilute acid whereupon the titanium and iron sulfate values are dissolved to form a raw, i.e., unreduced titanium-iron sulfate solution in which the undigested portion of the ore is present in the form of a gangue material comprising silicon and aluminum compounds and other impurities originally …

Vanadium–Titanium Magnetite Concentrate, …

This paper investigated a pellet ore production process in which vanadium was extracted from vanadium and titanium magnetite concentrates using sulfuric acid leaching. Calcium and magnesium were added to the iron ore concentrate during pellet production to produce calcium vanadate and magnesium vanadate after roasting. The pellets were leached …

Effect of TiO2 on the Sintering Behavior of Chromium …

Chromium-bearing vanadium–titanium magnetite (CVTM) iron ore containing Fe, Ti, Cr, and V is a special and valuable iron ore as known by the exploitation of vanadium–titanium magnetite (VTM), ilmenite, and chromite [1,2]. As a kind of valuable iron ore resource, Hongge CVTM is found in the Panzhihua area in China.

OneMine | The Effect of Titanium on Reduction Degradation of Iron Ore

The effect of titanium oxide in solid solution in magnetite on the magnetite to haematite transformation rate was studied first in order to simulate the final stage of the sintering process. In other experiments, haematite samples doped with 0.5, 2.0 and 5.0 wt per cent titanium oxide were studied using thermogravimetry under a controlled gas ...

Sticking behaviour of vanadium titano-magnetite oxidised …

Yi L. Y., Huang Z. C., Jiang T.: 'Sticking of iron ore pellets during reduction with hydrogen and carbon monoxide mixtures: behavior and mechanism,' Powder Technol., 2013, 235, (2), 1001–1007. ... Effect of titanium on the sticking of pellets based on hydrogen metall...

Effect of titanium on the sticking of pellets based on …

Direct reduction based on hydrogen metallurgical gas-based shaft furnace is a promising technology for the efficient and low-carbon smelting of vanadium–titanium magnetite. However, in this process, the sticking of pellets occurs due to the aggregation of metallic iron between the contact surfaces of adjacent pellets and has a serious negative effect on the …

Sintering Properties of Iron Ore Mixes Containing Titanium

Titanium containing compounds are valuable materials for addition to the blast furnace to extend operational compaigns. However, the addition of these materials via the sinter plant has been known to create problems. This study investigates the effect of adding a titanomagnetite to two sintering ore blends, containing 10 and 20% pisolitic limonite respectively.

Application of a water cooling treatment and its effect on …

A water cooling treatment was applied in the coal-based reduction of high-chromium vanadium and titanium (V–Ti–Cr) iron ore from the Hongge region of Panzhihua, China. Its effects on the metallization ratio (η), S removal ratio (R S), and P removal ratio (R P) were studied and analyzed on the basis of chemical composition determined via inductively …

(PDF) Effect of TiO2 on the Sintering Behavior of Low-Grade

Low-grade vanadiferous titanomagnetite ore (LVTM) is as an important mineral resource for sintering ore manufacturing. Furthermore, TiO2 has a significant effect on the sintering process of iron ...

Optimization utilization of vanadium

Corpus ID: 138708983; Optimization utilization of vanadium - titanium iron ore in sintering based on orthogonal method @article{Zhou2016OptimizationUO, title={Optimization utilization of vanadium - titanium iron ore in sintering based on orthogonal method}, author={M. Zhou and Tao Jiang and S. T. Yang and Ke Ma and Xiangxin Xue and W. J. Zhang}, …

Effects of Ilmenite Ore on Phase Development of Hematite Ore Sinter

The effects of adding 5 to 25 wt pct of ilmenite ore to hematite ore sinter were investigated employing a horizontal tube furnace to clarify the phase development.