environmental degradation in most of mining communities in Liberia is still of a major threat and concern. Although there are some literatures available on the extent of environmental devastation caused by iron ore mining in Liberia ( Wilson et al, 2017), not much published data is available on the environmental impacts of gold mining in Liberia.
Illegitimate artisanal gold mining quite often results in elevated lead (Pb) concentrations in mining and residential areas close to ore mining sites, which exposes the communities to varying degrees of health and environmental challenges.Here,mining and residential soils from Abare, Dareta and Bagega, Anka local government,Zamfara state's exposed communities, …
Tin mining is a centuries-old practice that has played a significant role in many countries economic and industrial development. Tin is a versatile and useful metal widely used in producing various goods such as electronic devices, packaging materials, and construction materials.. However, the process of tin mining can also have severe environmental impacts, which …
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a process having the ultimate objective of providing decision-makers with an indication of the likely consequences of their actions or the official ...
Therefore, depletion, extraction, processing, and mining of natural resources degrade the environment and affect ecological systems by diminishing environmental quality, causing air, water, land ...
The fundamentals of silver mining, including the many techniques employed, its background, and the environmental impacts of silver mining, will be covered in this part. Extracting silver from the earth and transforming it into a form that can be used in the process of mining silver.
This comprehensive study investigates the profound environmental impacts of lithium mining in Northern Nigeria, a region renowned for its rich mineral resources. The research uncovers the …
Part 1: Health, Environmental, and Gender Impacts of ASGM Activities Since the 2010 lead poisoning outbreak in Zamfara, much attention has been given to the collateral health and environmental impacts that arise from ASGM. While the Zamfara outbreak shifted much of the focus of the impacts of ASGM to lead, mercury poisoning is an equally
The mining industry in Nigeria has long fascinated me. ... Locations in Nigeria and their environmental impacts attributed to mining. ... when mercury comes into contact with gold particles in ...
THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND IMPACT OF MINING ACTIVITIES. Section 4, item 39 of the Exclusive Legislative List of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) confers upon …
Land degradation is one of the environmental impacts of copper mining due to the topsoil being destroyed because of the sloping nature of the open pits dug, which will have an impact on land resources as well as rocks, land cover, water resources, and soils.. Copper mining exposes the environment to erosion and its agents, such as water and wind. The obstruction of routes can …
Anthropogenic activities such as artisanal mining in developing countries like Nigeria, have exposed the environment to serious hazards by the generation and uncontrolled discharge of enormous ...
Explore the environmental impacts of chrome mining, including land degradation, water pollution, and air quality issues. Learn about sustainable land rehabilitation, water management, dust control, and the role of technology in mitigating these effects. ... The extraction and processing of chrome ore can also contribute to air pollution. Dust ...
Underground methods involve excavating tunnels and shafts. - The extraction process produces both ore and waste rock. Ore undergoes crushing, grinding, and separation processes like flotation and cyanidation to extract minerals. - Mining has environmental impacts like flooding, erosion, water and air pollution, and wildlife habitat damage.
Mining activities can have serious negative effects on the environment, these effects occur from the exploration stage to the closure stage of a mine's operation. Nigeria has different minerals and exploration/exploitation of these minerals can affect the environment.
economy, and the environment. Each of many mining methods have varying impacts on the environment and health. 2.1 Surface Mining Younger et al., (2002), submitted that 80% of the global production is performed by surface mining methods. It can be divided into mechanical excavation and aqueous excavation. The mechanical excavation
The Nigerian government has also in place a number of regulations to ensure that the mining operations are conducted in a safe and responsible manner. These regulations include environmental protection measures, such as the requirement for companies to conduct environmental impact assessments before beginning operations.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution Research Vol.6, , pp.24-32, April 2018 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK () 24 ISSN: 2056-7537(print), ISSN 2056-7545(online) LEAD (Pb) MINING IN EBONYI STATE, NIGERIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND HUMAN HEALTH …
1.2 The Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry (a) The Positive Impacts of Mining Sustainable mining activity has enormous positive impacts, such as: providing employment …
This comprehensive study investigates the profound environmental impacts of lithium mining in Northern Nigeria, a region renowned for its rich mineral resources.
According to the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA, Cap 387), all mining projects are listed under the category of 'high-risk projects' that must be screened through pre-project EIAs and thereafter through regular environmental audits to ensure environmental sustainability throughout the mining cycle from exploration, through ...
Both informal and formal mining industries impact and are impacted by climate change. Mine operations, and associated deforestation, are contributors to greenhouse gas …
Discover five ways the mining industry can reduce environmental impact and make its practices more sustainable. 1. Lower-Impact Mining Techniques. Traditional mining techniques can have a severe impact on the …
Residents of the communities where the large-scale mining took place, like Ganawuri and Danwal, which are about 20 kilometers from Jos, the Plateau State capital, are …
Recently, pollution of general environment has increasingly gained a global interest. Contamination of surface and groundwater in gold mining communities is a serious …
Assessing the impacts of gold mining operations on river sediments and water samples from ilesa west local government area ILESA West Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria July 2014 E3S Web ...
The objective of this study therefore is to examine the effects of mining on water quality and the environment of selected parts of Jos Plateau, North-Central Nigeria where tin mining took place. These locations are located on latitude 9 30'N o o ' o and 9 33'N and longitude 8 53 E and 8 59'E, on the topographical sheet Naraguta 168, on ...
Mining can be by surface and/or underground methods, often involving mass deforestation, drilling and blasting which generate noise, dust and particulate matter into the environment. …
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF IRON ORE MINING ON QUALITY OF SURFACE WATER AND ... Nigeria was investigated. Since the commencement of iron ore mining in Itakpe in 1979, water related problems have been ...
Environmental impacts of mining are well documented and the literature abound with environmental impacts in the form of waste management, impacts to biodiversity and habitat, deforestation of land with the consequent elimination of the vegetation, pollution (water, air, land and even noise pollution) etc. (Willis and Garrod, 1999; Abdus-Saleque ...